Friday, January 9, 2009

Tahoe Weekend

When Kevin's coworker offered up her rental in Truckee we took advantage of it to celebrate Nick's 30th birthday. Kevin and I took Friday off to spend the day skiing at Squaw. No wind, blue skies but not so good snow for skiing. I felt grateful to be able to enjoy a beautiful day outside.

When we got back we took Yari to the snow piles at the end of the road. It was his first experience on the white stuff. He sniffed around curiously but I think his poor little paws got cold.

It was going to be a couple hours before everyone (Mandy & Cameron, Nick & Jackie, and Andrea & Ferg) else got up there so we made a mad dash to the Cal Neva. And it was good thing we did, Kevin and I each netted $100 from the blackjack table!

We had eaten at Steamers ( a pretty good pizza joint on the Lake) but the others put 3 frozen diGiornio's in the "fancy" oven. After relentless smoke alarm sessions the crew fed their hungry bellies.

Andrea introduced us to this simple dice game called CLR that easily gets out of control. Sean and Cameron ended up with empty pockets while rest of us won. But all the $1 bills came in handy on Sunday...

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